Promotional Opportunities
The Ulster County Regional Chamber of Commerce offers our members unparalleled opportunities to market, promote, network and grow your business. Membership itself offers a valuable return on your investment. To further expand your business, take advantage of the many ways to market your business through the Chamber, as well as a host of advertising and sponsorship opportunities.
Membership has its advantages – let the power of the Chamber go to work for you!
For more information contact:
Ward Todd
845.338.5100 x2
With your Chamber membership, we include your business in print and on the Chamber’s website ( All members are automatically listed in our keyword-searchable directory with all contact information and both alphabetically and by category in our annual Community Resource Guide & Membership Directory. Active members’ web pages and emails are included. The directory is distributed extensively throughout the region and is included in all relocation packets. Additionally, if you have a special offer, a job posting or a news release, we will post that for your business on our website at no charge.
Monthly Newsletters
“ChamberNews,” the official newspaper of the Ulster County Regional Chamber of Commerce, is printed and distributed to 15,000 Daily Freeman subscribers each month. It keeps members informed about Chamber events and features stories on our members each month. New members receive a free business card size ad in “ChamberNews,” which is valued at $150. The Newsletter is also posted and archived on our website.
Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies
The Ulster Chamber assists members by conducting a Ribbon Cutting ceremony for opening new businesses, expanding and renovating current businesses, and businesses that are celebrating a significant anniversary. Local officials and the media are invited to attend. Each Ribbon Cutting event is posted on our popular social media platforms.
Insurance Programs
The Ulster Chamber partners with Ryan & Ryan Insurance Brokers, Inc, which provides reduced group rate coverage for small businesses and sole proprietors. Featured providers include CDPHP and MVP. New members must select a health insurance program within the first 30 days of membership or sign up during Open Enrollment in the month of November. More information . . .
Business Referrals
The Chamber actively promotes members and their services through staff referrals, direct links from the Chamber’s website, the Chamber Newsletter “ChamberNews”, and through the many networking opportunities available for members. Our “KEEP IT LOCAL” initiative encourages members and the community to do business locally and support our Chamber members.
Relocation Packets
The Chamber responds to phone calls and email requests from people interested in relocating to the Ulster County region. Each person who inquires will receive a packet in the mail containing information about our region and about our members. We will also insert a business card or tri-fold brochure from Chamber members for a nominal annual cost.
Relocation and Tourism Brochure Rack
To assist new businesses or individuals relocating to the region, as well as our many travel visitors, the Chamber displays literature from our members and offers premium advertising space on a first-come basis.
Discount Energy Alliance
Partnering with more than 17 other Chambers of Commerce and using the buying power of thousands of Chamber members, we offer discounted electric and natural gas rates to Chamber members. These programs can save Chamber members an average of 5-12% on their utility bills.
Labor Relations Hotline
Chamber members are invited to subscribe to a legal hotline for ongoing advice regarding labor and employment issues from one of the leading personnel law firms in the state. There is a nominal annual fee.
Certificate of Origin
For Chamber members who ship their products out of the country, a Chamber embossed and signed Certificate of Origin is necessary. There is no cost to Chamber members for this service.
Legislative Affairs and Activities
The Ulster Chamber is the regional voice for local business with members actively involved in local, statewide and national legislative affairs on behalf of the entire membership. Research is done on the cause and effect of proposed local, state and federal legislation and how it impacts the business community. Follow-up takes place with the appropriate officials.
Community Resource Guide and Membership Directory
Members are invited to advertise in this full-color, glossy magazine, which is direct-mailed to all Chamber members, distributed at high traffic locations throughout the Ulster County region and included in all relocation packets. This annual Chamber publication contains feature articles on relevant issues related to businesses in the Ulster County Region as well as complete listing of all members, alphabetically and by category. It is also posted on our website. For more information contact Tia Blaber, Media Consultant at Colorpage 845.331.7581 x10 or
Chamber Website Homepage Banner Ad
Promote your business by advertising with a Banner Ad on our Website. A limited number of opportunities exist for Chamber members to advertise their business or organization on the Chamber’s website. Members must commit to a minimum of three months advertising.
Cost - $100 per month
Chamber Email Blast Sponsorship
Sponsors receive a Banner Ad at the top of a Chamber Email Blast. These very popular Email Blasts are sent three times each week to over 2,000 local business leaders. Email blasts keep members informed about the latest Chamber news, information about upcoming Chamber events and issues of importance to the local business community. Sponsorship of email blasts is both effective and affordable.
Cost - $250 each
Member-to-Member Email Blast
The Chamber will send a M2M email blast about your business or organization to more than 2,000 local business leaders. You supply the graphic and URL/link and we’ll send it directly to our members. If you include the names or logos of other businesses or organizations, all must be members of the Ulster Chamber. There are limited availabilities.
Cost - $350 each
Membership List
The Chamber keeps an up-to-date list of our members alphabetically and by category. The list can be purchased by members only for a one-time use.
Cost - $250
Monthly Newsletter
“ChamberNews” is distributed to over 15,000 subscribers of the Daily Freeman each month. It is also posted on our website. In this publication we promote our upcoming Breakfast Meetings and Mixers, recognize Chamber members, introduce new members, and feature recent Ribbon Cutting events. Contact the Daily Freeman, Karen Alvord,, 315.231.5136, if you’re interested in advertising.
Corporate Sponsors
All Chamber members are invited to take advantage of our Corporate Sponsorships, which offer unique partnership opportunities with the Chamber. Contact Chamber President Ward Todd for specific funding levels and the many benefits of being a Corporate Sponsor. 845.338.5100 x2 or
Membership Mixer - Host
Monthly Chamber Mixers take place at a different venue each month. They are the best promotional vehicle available locally to bring large numbers of local business leaders inside your business or organization. Basically, you plan the party and we bring the guests! The benefits of being a Host Venue include extensive publicity in the Chamber Newsletter, in numerous email blasts, on our website, our radio program and at other Chamber events. The Host Venue must be able to accommodate upwards of 200-250 Chamber members inside their business (or under tent if outdoors). There must also be adequate parking for cars. Host Venue is responsible for supplying complimentary food and beverages for our attendees.
Cost - All Refreshments
Networking Mixer Sponsor
Be a part of our great monthly Networking Mixers by being a Mixer Sponsor. Opportunities are limited since we only have ten (10) Mixers per year. The benefits of being a Mixer Sponsor include extensive publicity in the Chamber Newsletter, in numerous email blasts, on our website, our radio program and mentions at other chamber events. At the event, Mixer Sponsors can display signage, flyers, and brochures. We will have a table set up for your use and you’ll be given an opportunity to speak to all the attendees when we introduce you and the Mixer Host at 6:00 pm. This is a great opportunity to promote your business to a large crowd of local business leaders.
Cost - $1,500
Breakfast Meetings
The Benefits of Sponsoring one of our Chamber Breakfast Meetings includes extensive pre-event publicity in the Chamber Newsletter (valued at $1,000). This includes 400-500 words of editorial copy about your business or organization. The Newsletter is distributed to 15,000 readers of the Daily Freeman. The sponsor will also be featured in numerous email blasts (valued at $500 each) and will receive prominent placement on our website homepage and event page (valued at $1,000). Your sponsorship will also be mentioned at other Chamber events. The Sponsor is entitled to display signage at the breakfast, distribute flyers or pamphlets on all tables, and will also receive a live commercial read preceding the introduction of the guest speaker as well as a chance to speak to the audience. The sponsor will receive ten (10) complimentary guest passes to the breakfast (valued at $300).
Breakfast Sponsor Cost - $1,950
Buy Local Expo
This is one of the Chamber’s signature events, held every fall at the Diamond Mills Hotel and Conference Center in Saugerties. The Expo is open to the public and promotes local and regional businesses and organizations. It is heavily promoted in the “ChamberNews,” on our website, in newspaper ads and on local radio.
Exhibitor Booth Cost - $395
Basic Level Sponsorships - $595
Premium Level Sponsorships - $995 - $1,495
Business Recognition Awards
The Ulster County Regional Chamber of Commerce annually recognizes Ulster County business leaders, businesses, and organizations that are leaders in their sectors, have achieved outstanding results, or have shown dedication and commitment to furthering business and the quality of life in Ulster County. Recognition is given to the Business of the Year, Small Business of the Year, Business Person or Entrepreneur of the Year, and Tourism/Hospitality Business of the Year. Other awards include Commitment to the Community, the Heritage Award, the Emerging Young Leader of the Year, and the Len Cane Heart of Ulster County Award.
Sponsorships - $1,500 - $3,500
Presenting Sponsorship - $5,000
Black Business Community Celebration
The Ulster County Regional Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with Black History Kingston and Ulster County Tourism, annually recognizes the best of Black business leaders and Black-owned businesses that have demonstrated commitment, community spirit, philanthropy, or have achieved extraordinary accomplishments and are an example to others. Recognition is given to the Black Business Excellence Award, Black Business Leadership Award, Maude Bruce Community Award, and Young Black Leader Award.
Sponsorships - $250 - $2,500